Quality management is a business philosophy of «Yason Agro» LLC that champions the idea that the long-term success of our company comes from customer and partner’s satisfaction. A major aspect of quality control is the establishment of well-defined controls. These controls help standardize both production and reactions to quality issues.
In order to be able to supply a quality product to our Buyers, we conduct quality analyses of composite samples, created from samples submitted via the Harvest Sample Program. These analyses provide information on the new crop quality characteristics of the major types of products: barley, wheat, corn, peas, and other food-feed crops.
The experts of our laboratory carry out High-Quality Poduct Control with subsequent certification of products according to international and/or Russian standards (GOST, ISIRI, ISO). Thus, product certification offers customers a high degree of confidence that the product will perform according to the specified standard.
«Yason Agro - Elevator» gives you a complete grain profile - a total grain quality assessment - so that you have the detailed information you need to make those all-important decisions about your end-products.
We are proud to inform our client that Cargo Quality Monitoring allows us to verify that the every crop order based on customer requirements, and the quality assurance system and grade standards meet industry expectations.
We are committed to taking care of our customers, so the quality of the product we supply comes first